platform Verified creator status and badge

The new verified creator status unlocks many exciting features and benefits real models with their digital marketing efforts.

Verified creator status
Get verified for free on xswipe

Models in the adult entertainment space often face a lot of headwind, especially when trying to promote their profiles on social media platforms. Our mission at xswipe is to support the community and to help models find and engage the right audience for their content.

With the recently introduced verified creator status we prepare the launch of a full suite of model targeted features that will provide training, networking and digital tools to improve marketing and building a strong fan base.

Verification on xswipe is free for every model and can easily be requested through the account settings.

Being verified on xswipe does not only get you access to a range of exclusive features but also adds a badge to your profile, showing your fans that they are dealing with a real model profile.



Model Support

Marten is lead of our model success team at He is driving our product development to craft an amazing platform for performers and engages users and key industry players in the ecosystem.