platform Locked post for more fans

Locked posts are a new marketing tool for xswipe pro models that can significantly boost your fan growth quickly.

Locked posts can help grow fans faster
Locked posts can help grow fans faster

With locked posts our engineering team just released another great tool to support active pro-models on the xswipe platform. This new type of post can support you to grow your fans faster and get the right kind of followers.

What are looked posts

Locked posts are just like image or video posts on xswipe, but they are blurred to visitors of your profile. To view the content users have to visit your designated account and then will be able to see the locked content.

How does it work

Leveraging locked posts to boost your fans growth is straightforward, first you select a content that you want to post, ideally make it interesting or standing out compared to your normal free posts. When uploading to xswipe you have to toggle the locked post setting, this is available if you have posted at least 3 public posts prior to the locked post and are a pro model.

The limit of 3 public posts per locked content is in place to ensure that your fans don't get annoyed by too many locked posts. Every model can upgrade to a free pro account simply by using their xswipe link in any of your social media profiles.

You should also select your primary account to boost, this can be done by clicking the star icon on the account you want to boost in your profile settings.

Your locked posts will then show blurred on your profile and when users click on it they will be promoted to visit your selected account before seeing the content.

In conclusion locked posts help you to reward eager followers and convert them to paying fans faster by incentivising them to visit your premium profiles in return for special content teases.



Model Support

Marten is lead of our model success team at He is driving our product development to craft an amazing platform for performers and engages users and key industry players in the ecosystem.