platform More units for profiles

As an international platform xswipe attracts users and models from all corners of the world. That is why today we introduce more units with the imperial system for all profiles.

Measure everything on xswipe
Use imperial or metric on

With more and more models signing up for their very own, free profile on our platform we noticed a growing need to support different international unit systems. That is why today we have released full support of imperial and metric units for all model profiles.

Why complete profiles are important

Many users turn to xswipe to find models that match their preferences and interests. The more information a model profile has the more likely it will raise interest in the feed or show up in search results.

With that in mind creators will benefit the most from xswipe if they provide as many profile settings as possible to show up for the greatest audience and get exposure to many future fans.

Units for weight and height

We have always supported metric units for the body weight and height profile settings on xswipe to enable models who want to share these details with their fans.

Metric units on xswipe

With todays release of the xswipe platform we have added support for imperial units, most often used in the USA, as well. These can easily be toggled for models wishing to provide their details in either metric or imperial.

Imperial units on xswipe

To make it es easy as possible for users and models alike the xswipe system will convert your information into the respective other unit automatically and make it searchable on the homepage.

That way every model and user can use the units they are most familiar and comfortable with on xswipe.



Model Support

Marten is lead of our model success team at He is driving our product development to craft an amazing platform for performers and engages users and key industry players in the ecosystem.