marketing Should you sell in multiple places?

Adult models are always on the hunt for another platform to make an income on, but is it really the more the merrier?

Too many profiles can confuse fans
Too many profiles will decrease your revenue

Digital creators in the adult entertainment space are often trying to work as many platforms as possible in hopes of making a larger and more stable income. But does this strategy really work? Our expert team has looked at the details.

Why do models want multiple profiles

With an abundance of premium social networks for adult models many have started to try and be present on as many websites as possible. This is often motivated by the hope to compensate for being kicked-off or banned from any particular platform and the devastating financial consequences of that.

But also models expect to get more fans overall by covering more websites, as not every follower can or wants to use every particular platform.

What are the downsides of spreading too thin

The risk with this strategy is that you spread yourself too thin, often people underestimate the amount of work of running a profile. At the very least you will need to post every content twice or 3 times which takes additional time. Naturally over time you will spend more effort on better performing profiles, leaving fans on lesser used platforms feel neglected and unhappy with you.

Another often overlooked issue is that the more paid profiles you offer the less fans know where you want them to spend money, which can end up in losing a sale in the worst case. After all once a follower decided to pay up you don't want them to start some extensive price comparison or guessing game on which of your profiles would be best for them to subscribe to. You just want them to pay so keep it straight forward.

When does it make sense to have multiple profiles

While opening an ever growing park of profiles rarely makes sense that doesn't mean you should focus on a single platform only. There can be good reasons to branch out and create more than one paid profile.

Generally it can give you comfort to have a backup account in case your main profile gets banned, suspended or the platform decides to exit the porn business. This will leave you prepared and with a soft landing.

Another good reason for multiple profiles is if there is a website that is catering to your local country or region where you can reach fans in a different language or present yourself more authentic than global websites with international fans allow to.

Also always a good addition to your existing profile are websites that bring their own users, meaning you don't need to hustle and find your fans elsewhere but can rely on internal traffic.

Where is the sweet spot

While there is no general sweet spot that will work for every model a good rule of thumb is to have at least a backup account and always keep your eyes open for other platforms that may make sense for you.

It is important to evaluate every website and their business case to see if it is worth the additional work for you. Some models may do great with only one main account, while others thrive on 3 different platforms with 3 different strategies.



Model Support

Marten is lead of our model success team at He is driving our product development to craft an amazing platform for performers and engages users and key industry players in the ecosystem.